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Bracelet Design Latest





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Bracelet Design Latest(圖1)-速報App

How It’s Made: Bracelet Design

What's more fun than a ringing arm full of bracelets or a delicate chain with a fine diamond? With the sheer number of bracelet styles out there, choosing the right one can be daunting. Which bracelets work for which occasion? Can you mix metals? What about stacks? When buying, there are many things to keep in mind, including when you're going to wear them, where, with what clothes and what you do. It is important to have a wide range of bracelet styles in your jewelry collection so that you can wear them with various outfits and at different events.

Bracelet Design Latest(圖2)-速報App

From wrist to fingers, hands are receiving a lot of attention from jewelry artists nowadays. The most fashionable accessory for "right now". Also known as hand flowers, slave, ring or cuffs; No matter what you call them, they give exotic, bohemian or armor-like inspiration to different fashion stores.

Of all the types of jewelry that can dress up your look, add some dazzle every day of the week and express your style, bracelet design is one of them. Here is how to decide what to wear and when.

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Origin of Bracelet Design and Jewelry

While the exact origin is not clear, these bracelets seem to come from India, from the Mughal period and Panja, which is known to be worn during weddings. With detailed ornaments and majestic color schemes, Indian-inspired has continued to delight enthusiastic fans over the centuries. Texture is an important part of fashion in the coming seasons, and these cuffs offer an excellent opportunity to add interest and elevate your outfit.

Bracelet Design Latest(圖4)-速報App

Bracelet Design in Today’s World

Popular materials are used to achieve different styles with extra embellishments such as more chains, spikes, charms and detailed beads with crystal-embellished embroidery for a lush appearance, inspired by the richly decorated hand flowers of India. Bracelet have also continued to be made for the forearm and can integrate one, two or all fingers and the thumb.

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Refined or alternative in style, hand bracelets continue to enjoy the limelight and have a prestige on jewelry retail counters.

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